вторник, 21 января 2014 г.

Office Manager at Minto

Gudajtes Family Farm is a multi-generational modern family crop farm. Our family has a farming heritage for four generations and over 100 years. We are progressive in all aspects of agriculture and continually look to make ourselves better. We raise GMO sugarbeets, GMO Corn, GMO soybeans, edible beans, and spring wheat.

We have an opening for a qualified individualwith experience and knowledge in office management,an eye for professionalism,proficient in use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Quickbooks, and Adobe Acrobat. Must be a self starter, use time and materials efficiently, personable, clean, an effective communicator, creative andable to meet deadlines in a timely manner. A farm or agriculture related background would be beneficial.

You willbe called on for general receptionist/secretarial, and administrative assistant duties. You will be responsible for daily mail and deliveries, data input, and some payroll/HR duties, creating reports and reporting on them regarding inventory management, production records, personnel files,maintain historical records by filing documents andcontribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Compliancewith federal, state, and local legal requirements by studying requirements; enforcing adherence to requirements; filing reports; advising management on needed actions. Developing Standards, Analyzing Information, Dealing with Complexity, Reporting Research Results, Data Entry Skills, Accounting, SFAS Rules, Attention to Detail, Confidentiality, Thoroughness.

We are looking for someone with multiple talents who understands the day to day changes in workloads required by a large farm. You must be willing to take on new projects, easily adapt to changing conditions as general farming would apply.Masteryof John Deere Apex, RTK, andGk Technologies Maps, new technology and its application will be required after employment begins.

You will be the only non-family member in the office in an administrative position, you will be wearing many hats, office manager, executive assistant, secretary, book keeper andreceptionist. Benefits can include housing, health, dental. Flexible on wage/benefit ratios. Due to the nature of our business excessive dust/pollen/mold can be present.

Country: USA, State: North Dakota, City: Minto, Company: Gudajtes Family Farm.

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